Styling, redecorating, and bringing fresh creativity into a home
The highest form of compliment for a business owner is repeat customers. I had a client from a few years ago contact me, requesting to do more work on her home. Only this time, we weren’t just organizing. I was so excited to see that much of what we put in place previously was still in working order! She had a couple untouched spaces, and she needed some help styling.
How many of us hesitate on simple decisions to hang pictures, rearrange furniture, or pull the trigger on a new bedspread? It’s more common than you would think! And the good news is, sometimes an outside perspective from someone who lives, eats, breathes this stuff is all you need.
Here’s what we did with her guest room. She wanted to set it up particularly for her mother who would be visiting often. We made sure to include the items that were special to Mom.
Do you feel the difference?!
While we were at it, we decluttered the closet.
We did a little happy dance and talked about how great it felt, and then move on to the next space, her office. Just a little rearranging, decluttering, pulling a chair from a different part of the house, and hanging new curtain panels is all it took to give her office a fresh look!
Oh, we weren’t done yet. She needed some help in the pantry, which a had a sense of structure but too much food and stuff that was not getting used.
Pro organizer tip: Make your pantry serve YOU, and stop serving your pantry!
We devoted a session to tackle this space. We were both pleased with the result, to say the least.
We had some successful end of the year power sessions to get 2020 off to a great start! This client was a joy to work with again. I’m excited about her fresh start to the new year. Keep showing that clutter who’s boss.