Do you ever wonder what you could do with your closet if someone simply gave you a step-by-step plan? Maybe you have the time, but you keep hitting road blocks and need to call in an expert to help navigate? This week, I’m showcasing a client’s DIY project after we had a simple consultation.
Let me introduce you to her closet:
This closet houses most of the clothing for two adults. Can I just start off by giving her huge props for her minimalist approach to clothing! In my 8 years of working with clients, this might be the only closet where “purging” wasn’t one of the steps.
Everything in the closet was needed and used. What was missing were tools to make the most efficient use of the space.
I started by finding the pockets of unused space. Most of us have these in any closet/cabinet/pantry. For her, they were visible right off the bat. If your closet is packed full, they may be hiding behind all the things you don’t use.
We rezoned a few categories, I gave her a shopping list and a plan, and she got started!
Take a look at what she did!

Here are a few highlights, with tips!

WAIT. What about that empty middle section? The best seat in the house. Why is that empty?
I’m so glad you asked 🙂

Did I mention that this client owns a small business and has two very young children? She executed this in less than a week on her own. I simply provided plans and a little bit of coaching.
What are you waiting for?
Get Organized. Simply Live.