
Bringing Built-Ins To Life

I think built-in shelves are beautiful. They have the ability to bring character to a room, while also functioning as a spot for storage. The purpose you use them for, and how you display your items, communicates volumes to guests.

I recently got a call from a friend who was puzzled by her built-ins in her new home. She had filled them with everything she wanted to display, but felt there was no cohesion. Guess what I gave her as a housewarming gift? 🙂

Below is a picture of the shelves before we got started


Pictures were the top priority for display on these shelves.  The way they were arranged was not only causing the shelves to feel jumbled, but it took away from their overall statement. Also, there were too many separate photo frames to display in this amount of space.

We paired down on everything: pictures, books, trinkets. After that I focused on grouping like colors together with all items and designating one frame per shelf (or two at the most). We went for a “cohesive variety” on each shelf.


Below is a close-up of two shelves to show you how I made the shelves flow, but gave them variety at the same time.

I had a lot of fun taking a set of shelves, pulling everything off, and creating a COMPLETELY different feel without purchasing anything.

Months and months later, she likes it so much that she hasn’t touched anything! Except for adding pictures of her new baby 🙂 So precious!


Do you have a set of built-ins that need a pick-me-up? Or maybe total overhaul? Contact me this week, let me know you read my post on shelving, and I will give you 30% off my normal rate!

Thanks for reading,


Get Organized. Simply Live.