Fresh Start to a New Year
Who needs a fresh start?! I know I do! If your first week in the new year is going anything like mine, you probably feel like the wind of expectation is slowly being stripped out of your sails. The GREAT thing is, there’s nothing magical about January 1st. Our days beginning and ending with the sun is a gentle reminder that each sunrise is the opportunity to start fresh.
This year begins my 10th year in business, and as I look back I cannot help but get a little emotional about the journey. There were so many individuals who were key in helping me get this plane off the ground, and for that I’m forever grateful. Along the way, I’ve had the privilege of serving many amazing clients who trusted me to guide them in simplifying their homes and lives. I also have developed key connections with the real estate agents who trust me to guide their sellers in making their homes show-ready. I do not take their loyalty for granted, and look forward to many more years of working together!
The pandemic has changed a lot of things, and some of the way I do business. But one thing it hasn’t changed is my passion to help others in their homes whether they are organizing and styling to live, or staging to sell. PEACE is what I aim to foster among those I work with, and one of our top values.
I have many exciting things brewing already for 2021! Whether you have been following since the very beginning, or are browsing my website for the very first time, I’m so happy you’re here! I have new projects in my portfolio and will be updating testimonials as well. One BIG thing coming within the next few months that I’m really looking forward to has to do with videos! So stay tuned for that.
I’ll end by sharing some highlights from 2020. This by no means captures all the incredible people and homes we had the honor of serving last year. For every single one, it was genuinely OUR pleasure and privilege! Cheers to another year!